How it looks like (assuming our top project is named ipiel):
*Note that ipiel, can also be a child of a another project, which could be a main project where ipiel is just a component.
How to create the 5 listed maven projects above (I'm assuming you have eclipse with maven plugin installed):
1.) ipiel (the main pom project)
a.) In eclipse create a new maven project, skip archetype selection so it will only create a maven project that has a src folder no main/test.
b.) groupId=com.ipiel
version=leave the default
2.) ipiel-api (where interface is declared that is shared between ejb and web)
a.) Right click the ipiel project and select new->maven module
b.) Since this will contain java files, select maven-archetype-quickstart, you can filter "quickstart"
c.) groupId=com.ipiel
version=leave the default
d.) Create a class Bird and add a method fly.
3.) ipiel-ejb (the backing/manage bean)
a.) Right click the ipiel project and select new->maven module
b.) Since this will contain java files, select maven-archetype-quickstart, you can filter "quickstart"
c.) groupId=com.ipiel
version=leave the default
d.) Add dependency to ipiel-api, and implement the Bird interface, in a class let's say Eagle.
4.) ipiel-web (the ui project, where you define your xhtml files)
a.) Right click the ipiel project and select new->maven module
b.) In the maven filter enter "web" and select org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes webapp-javaee6.
It's a simple web archetype and we need to add some files to it.
1.) Add a new source folder /src/main/resources.
2.) Inside /src/main/resources create 2 folders /META-INF and /WEB-INF
3.) Normally we have beans.xml and web.xml inside /WEB-INF folder and /META-INF contains MANIFEST.MF
c.) groupId=com.ipiel
version=leave the default
d.) Make sure that you add maven-war-plugin in pom.xml.
<plugin>e.) The web project is also dependent on ipiel-api, since it needs to call it's backing bean from the ipiel-ejb project.
<!-- In version 2.1-alpha-1, this was incorrectly named warSourceExcludes -->
5.) ipiel-config (where I normally place persistence and resource files)
a.) groupId=com.ipiel
version=leave the default
b.) Create a new maven module, and select maven-archetype-quickstart, you can filter "quickstart"
I defined where my resources are in this project:
6.) ipiel-ear (the output project)
a.) Create a new maven module project, skip archetype selection, so we have a basic maven project
b.) groupId=com.ipiel
version=leave the default
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