Secure Angular4 app with Keycloak

Demo template is available for sale for $50. You can send payment via skype at:

Disclaimer: This is not a tutorial on how to setup an Angular^4 project, nor are we going to discuss how to setup a Keycloak server. Needless to say, you should already be familiar these tech before diving here.

I have a previous article you may want to check that discusses keycloak

After creating your client in Keycloak, download the Keycloak OIDC JSON, under Installation tab as keycloak.json. We will use it later.

Angular project configuration (note I'm using version 4.4.3):

  1. Create your Angular project. I normally use Angular CLI. I assume you are already familiar with Angular initial project configuration.
  2. Put your keycloak.json inside app/assets folder. This will be consume by an angular service later.
  3. Install keycloak js
    >npm install keycloak-js --save
  4. Step 3 will generate a keycloak.js inside angular's node_modules folder. To use it we need to add an entry in .angular-cli.json. Look for scripts section and add "../node_modules/keycloak-js/dist/keycloak.js"
  5. Now that we have the keycloak library on our project. We need to create the service that will load it.

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

    import { environment } from 'environments/environment';

    declare var Keycloak: any;

    export class KeycloakService {

    static auth: any = {};

    static init(): Promise<any> {
    let keycloakAuth: any = new Keycloak('assets/keycloak.json');
    KeycloakService.auth.loggedIn = false;

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    keycloakAuth.init({ onLoad: 'check-sso' })
    .success(() => {
    KeycloakService.auth.loggedIn = true;
    KeycloakService.auth.authz = keycloakAuth;
    KeycloakService.auth.logoutUrl = keycloakAuth.authServerUrl + "/realms/" + environment.keycloakRealm + "/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=http://localhost:4200/index.html";

    .error(() => {

    // more methods here

    This service loads keycloak.json from assets folder. It initialize keycloak using 'check-sso' parameter. Why? So that angular will not redirect to keycloak's login page every time we access a page. If login is successful we store the keycloak object in keyClockService's auth variable. Note that this variable is static, so we can access it in any of our angular's components, as long as we inject the service.
  6. Since we used check-sso parameter in keycloak, we need to manually secure the routes, which we don't want to be accessible by the general public. To do that, we need to create a guard that we can use in Routes. This is how we define the guard:

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { Router, CanActivate, CanLoad } from '@angular/router';

    import { Logger } from "angular2-logger/core";

    import { KeycloakService } from 'app/core/auth/keycloak.service';

    export class AuthGuardService implements CanActivate, CanLoad {

    constructor(public router: Router, private keycloakService: KeycloakService, private logger: Logger) {

    canActivate(): boolean {
    return false;

    canLoad(): boolean {
    if (KeycloakService.auth.loggedIn && KeycloakService.auth.authz.authenticated) {"user has been successfully authenticated");
    return true;

    } else {
    return false;

  7. Now we need to declare our AuthGuardService in our providers, so the system can access it. Open your app.module.ts and add it:
    useClass: SecuredHttpInterceptor,
    multi: true
  8. Then in our Routes definition (I assume you have app-routing.module.ts) we guard the Routes like this:
    { path: 'dashboard/vendor', canLoad: [AuthGuard], loadChildren: 'app/module/dashboard/vendor/vendor.module#VendorModule' }
  9. At this point all our prerequisites to secure the angular app had been already fulfilled. We just need to initialize keycloak somewhere when we access the app and there is no better place to do that but in main.ts.

    .then(() => {
    const platform = platformBrowserDynamic();
    .catch(() => window.location.reload());

    Perfect. Now keycloak will do nothing if there is no session cookie. Otherwise, it will login automatically and if the session is valid, redirects back to the app.
  10. Since most angular apps access a REST API, we normally would want to add a bearer token on any request whenever we have an authenticated user. We do that by implementing the newly introduced HttpInterceptor. And this is how we do it:

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { HttpInterceptor, HttpHandler, HttpRequest, HttpEvent, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http';

    import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
    import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';

    import { KeycloakService } from 'app/core/auth/keycloak.service';

    export class SecuredHttpInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {

    request: HttpRequest<any>,
    next: HttpHandler

    ): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    let kcToken = KeycloakService.auth.authz.token;

    if (KeycloakService.auth.loggedIn && KeycloakService.auth.authz.authenticated) {
    request = request.clone({
    setHeaders: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + kcToken

    return next.handle(request);
  11. Finally we have everything to secure our angular app.
Demo template is available for sale for $50. You can send payment via skype at:

Sprik om Bitcoin

Det er vanligvis et dårlig tegn når meningsfeller kommer med argumenter som motsier hverandre.
DN 18. september kom det to replikker med helt ulik oppfatning av hvilken bitcoininformasjon myndighetene får.

Marius Hansen mener myndighetene allerede har tilgang til kontoeiernes identitet og nøkler. Svein Ølnes og Guttorm Flatabø mener at dette er en teknisk umulighet. De mener også at min oversettelse av «exchange» til «børs» viser manglende innsikt. «Vekslingstjeneste» skal det visst hete. Ølnes og Flatabø er kanskje vant med vekslingstjenester der kundene poster kvantum og pris. Vi andre kaller dette børs eller handelsplass.

Videre deler Hansen min oppfatning om at IP-adresser er utilstrekkelige som ID, i motsetning til Ølnes og Flatabø.

Fasiten er nok at Hansen tar feil om hvor mye informasjon myndighetene har tilgang til og Ølnes og Flatabø tar feil om at IP-adresser kan brukes som ID. Hvem som helst kan sjekke ut førstnevnte. Alt du trenger til en Bitcoin transaksjon er lommebokadressen. Børsen krever hverken nøkkel eller lommebokfil. Det kan blant annet bety at beslag blir umulig.

For å gjenta meg selv, så har Hansen selvsagt rett i at bitcointransaksjonene er åpne og at børsene krever ID. Men en overførsel til en konto betyr ikke eierskap. Og at det finnes et hav av enda mer anonyme valutaer som kan brukes til kamuflasje, er vel heller et argument for enn mot forbud.

Johs Ensby sammenligner mitt forslag om å forby Bitcoin med en lov fra da de første bilene kom. Sammenligningen svikter dessverre.

«The Red Flag Law» var en lov politikerne fant på utelukkende for å ramme en ny teknologi. Mitt poeng er at samme regler må gjelde uavhengig av teknologi. Plasseringer i Bitcoin må være like tilgjengelige for skattemyndigheter som plasseringer i bank eller verdipapir. Men det er altså bitcointilhengerne imot. Spesielle regler som sikrer hemmelighold skal gjelde for Bitcoin. Argumentet? At det er nytt.

Det er heller ikke noe godt tegn når Camilla A.C. Tepfers og Michael Fridman ser seg nødt til argumentere mot meninger de selv har funnet på. Shadabi Zaman gjør akkurat det samme 9. september. Det må være vanskelig å unngå å ha fått med seg at jeg har stor tro på blokkjedeteknologien, og at min kritikk går utelukkende kryptovalutar der brukerne er anonyme. Siden hele innlegget til Tepfers og Fridman bygger på noe jeg ikke mener, er det unødvendig å kommentere deres argumentasjon ytterligere.

Hverken nyhetsargumentet eller personvernhensyn er gode argumenter for hemmelige bankonti, som Bitcoinlommebøker i praksis er. Personvernargumentet er like gyldig for vanlige banktransaksjoner, og jeg tror de aller fleste er enige om at myndighetene må ha innsyn der.

Det er uansett temmelig naivt å tro at ikke organiserte nettverk vil kunne flytte penger over til Bitcoin uten spor. Når pengene først er flyttet, for eksempel via en skatteparadisbank, så finnes det ingen pålitelig måte å avsløre kontoeierens identitet.

Bitcoin Investor Guide to Altcoin Investments on

Bitcoin Investor Guide to Altcoin Investments on

Hello! I'm here again and give you a way to make money from Cryptocurrency. In this article I will guide you to invest in the form of holding a cheap coin and wait for the opportunity to increase the sale price to make a profit on with coin Altcoin.
For example:  If you bought 1 Bitcoin in January 2017 at $ 1,000 then today (in September) you will be able to sell it for $ 4,700 or profit about x5 times!
It's really an investment opportunity if you are interested and knowledgeable about Bitcoin as well as other electronic coins (Altcoin).
However, back to the questions like:
  • At the moment, Bitcoin price is too high, should I buy it?
  • Is there any other currency to buy and hold for the price increase?
  • How to buy and how?
  • ...
That is all the questions that we think we will be able to resolve right in this article.
At the end of the article you will also see a very specific result, ie through the tutorial in this article I will show you a quick wing to earn at least 2 million dong after 2 days by buying Bitcoin and invest in Altcoin.

Understand a bit about Bitcoin and Altcoin before investing

As some of you know, Bitcoin is the first electronic currency and up to now it is still the highest value and most interested investors.
However, in addition to Bitcoin we have a lot of other electronic coins (called Altcoin) and now quite a lot of copper is still at a low price, you can completely buy, hold it and wait for the price increase in future.
If you are new, do not skip these 2 articles to get a better understanding of what Bitcoin and Altcoin are:
  • What is Bitcoin? Is Bitcoin virtual currency? Should invest in Bitcoin?
  • What is Altcoin? Should invest in Altcoin or not?
Now look at the chart below to see the OmiseGO (MOG) - an Altcoin coin still on the rise (listed on ). So now you can buy it for $ 12 / coin and maybe $ 500 / coin next year?
The above is just one example, there are many other altcoin that you can track, analyze the growth rate and implement the long-term investment strategy like this.
There are coin in the top 10 on (great potential) but very cheap price (less than $ 1) such as  VIEW ,  IOT ...
Ok, now we will go into the main problem is to manipulate how to buy a co-Altcoin offline!

Buy Bitcoin Investing Guide to Altcoin on

Note to implement all the investment process under this article you need:
  • Bank account Vietcombank  (with internet banking function), always registered service balance through telephone. To make online transactions when buying Bitcoin invest in Altcoin and withdraw money back after profit
  • Registering a Remitano account:  This is the most popular Bitcoin trading platform in Vietnam today, meaning you can use VND to buy the corresponding Bitcoin number ( see the Remitano registration guide ).
  • Sign up for an account on Bittrex:  That is, after you have bought Bitcoin on Remitano, transfer it to your Bittrex wallet to buy the Altcoin coins. Bittrex is a very large Cryptocrrency trading platform in the world, with lots of Altcoin trading that you can buy and sell.
In short, our process would look like this:
  1. Use dong cash to buy Bitcoin on Remitano
  2. Once you have an account on Bittrex, transfer the Bitcoin number on Remitano to your Bittrex wallet
  3. Use Bitcoin to buy Altcoin on Bittrex and keep it in the wallet
  4. After Altcoin increases the price, sell Bitcoin and transfer to Remitano
  5. Sell ​​Bitcoin for VND to Vietcombank

Sign up for Bittrex account & turn on Authy security

Since we are going to buy Altcoin on Bittrex, we need to have an account. Visit here:  to sign up for an account. (If you have a Bittrex account then skip this step)
Enter your email address and create a login password.
Soon Bittrex will announce that you have sent an activation email to your account.
Open the email you will see, click the link at the bottom of the email nhé.
Successful email confirmation email. Click  "Login"
Enter your email address and password to login.
You will be redirected to the personal information updates page. Here you need to enter your full information.
Next in the  "Basic Verification" section  press the "Verify Phone" button   to verify the phone number.
Select your country of Vietnam and enter your phone  number (remove the first zero). Hit Submit.
Right after that you will receive a message containing 6 verification numbers, enter these 6 numbers in the VERIFICATION box and press  "Verify"
Now you need to enable Authy security for your Bittrex account for added security. Before enabling, you need to download the Google Authenticator app to your phone.
Go to "Two-Factor Authentication", check out the Google Authenticator app on your phone and scan your QR code. Soon the app will give you 6 numbers, enter the 6 numbers and click  "Enable 2FA"
Note:  You should also write Secret Key code   to prevent the application or phone can be used to recover code offline.
You will soon receive an email request to confirm Authy security.
In the email will contain a link, click on it to confirm.
You will be redirected to the new page, where you need to enter 6 random numbers on the Google Authenticator app on your phone for last activation.
The notice below is completely successful. Click "Home" to access the Bittrex interface.
So at the end of this step you already have an account at Bittrex, you also enabled the two steps secret, from now on Bittrex login by email and password, you need to enter the authy code on the phone application. new login.
This is how to secure your investment account, I recommend you do it!

Buy Bitcoin at Remitano and send it to Bittrex's wallet

Now you need to log into your Remitano account to purchase a corresponding Bitcoin number.
In this case I will buy  0.1490875  with the price at the time of purchase is  about 14 million . The goal is to transfer the Bitcoin to Bittrex, which will use it to  buy two altcoins, the Dash, which  is on the upward trend.
Get a bitcoin address on Bittrex
Now to send Bitcoin from Remitano to Bittrex, you will need your wallet address, login to your Bittrex account and then select "Wallet" -> click the "+" sign   in Bitcoin to get your wallet address.
A window pops up, you press the "ADDR" button to create a wallet address.

Soon Bittrex will give you a great example of Bitcoin, copy this address to Remitano to send Bitcoin here.
Now sign in your Remitano account then select menu  "CONTOUR BTC"  -> Select  "Withdraw"
Then paste your wallet address on Bittrex in the  "Bitcoin Wallet" box. Enter the Bitcoin number you want to send in the "BTC" box. 
Click  Submit.
Ok so the Bitcoin number on Remitano was on your way to your BTC companion on Bittrex.
Now you go to the  Wallet  on Bittrex will see the  Pending Deposit  shows the number of Bitcoin you just transferred.
However, you can not use immediately but usually have to wait 30p. When you see Bitcoin displayed in your  official ACCOUNT BALANCES column   , you can then use this bitcoin to buy other types of altcoin.
Ok so there is Bitcoin in Bittrex wallet then, now buy another Alcoin to keep up the price.

Buy Altcoin on Bittrex

I will now proceed to buy Bitcoin to buy  Dash  (because at the time of this article I watched Dash copper is rising fast). This one you need to follow and study offline, here are just examples to show you the investment process of "surfing" fast.
To start buying Altcoin, go to the Markets section  with the Bitcoin icon . Then type Altcoin in the Searchbox  .
Soon the name of the co-altcoin will appear,  (you can also type the symbol of co-Altcoin - see coinmarketcap nhé).
Click the name of the Altcoin you want to buy and drag down the bottom, where you will see the TRADING section  This is where you can place your buy order.
  • Units:  You enter the number of altcoin you want to buy, click the  MAX  if you want to buy all the Bitcoin available
  • Bid: I usually click on the word  Price  and select  Bid . Selecting Bid means that you will bid with the highest bids on Bittrex. Experience to match orders to buy yourself often move this price up a bit. For example, if you choose Bid that price is 0.07615000, then I bid higher price to 0.07616 =>  That is, people buy for A price, A + to buy his altcoin will be the most expensive in the current time .
  • Toal:  At this point, Bittrex will calculate the bitcoin you need to pay. You can view and control only in units that are reasonable and do not exceed your BTC balance is okay
After the bid you click the  "Buy ..."  blue to buy. In the new window that appears, check again and click  "Confirm".
Normally, if Bid under the  "Bid"  as above, you buy Altcoin immediately.
If you wait for a few minutes you can not buy it, it means there are more people bid than you, so your purchase will appear in the  OPEN BOOK.
At this point 1 you wait, and if you want to buy faster then you can go to  Order  to fix your bid higher than the highest bidder to buy immediately. That is bid again.
After successful purchase, you will see the number of Altcoins appear in the corresponding wallet at  AVALABLE BALANCE.
So you have successfully bought Altcoin already, now the rest is to monitor the price of the Altcoin that, if you count the price increase that you feel satisfied then sell out for profit.

Some coin that I am storing

Note that this is only personal sharing because a co-Altcoin will have its own strengths. Any copper depends on your analytical capabilities and needs careful consideration.
My experience is that coinmarkecap keeps track of its growth rate, on the main website of the coin, see who created it, what purpose, market capitalization at what time?
Small experience is to divide your investment to store at least 3 types of Altcoin because the investment is always risky, so do not take one coin that should disperse the money to many copper. light.
  1. OmiseGO  (OMG)
  2. BlockNet  (BLOCK)
  3. Ethereum Classic  (ETC)
  4. Dash  (DASH)

Guide to selling Altcoin on Bittrex

After a while if you feel satisfied with the profit level, you can sell the Altcoin to Bitcoin and transfer the Bitcoin to Remitano and sell it for VND.
Below I will guide sell the same Dash bought above  (that is after 2 days since the purchase I saw the price from $ 315 / coin has increased $ 380 / coin).
Actually this is not high profit but I will sell out to take the tutorial for you in this article. For other Altcoin coin you can keep long to increase your profit margin.
To sell, you still go to  Market with Bitcoin icon , then type the name of Altcoin you want to sell  (here I type Dash)
Click the name of the co-altcoin appear below.
Scroll down under BIDS, you will see many people are buying Altcoin. If you can see the price you can click the arrow to sell now (this is the fastest way)
After clicking, you will see and confirm the request for sale, then press  Confirm , your altcoin will immediately be sold and your Bitcoin wallet account will be updated.  (This is the operation you sell Altcoin. get bitcoin)
However, there is another way if at the above BIDS you do not want to sell for others who are ordering, you can set the price in SELL below.
  • Unit:  Select the number of altcoin you want to sell, click MAX if you want to sell out the number of altcoin are
  • Price:  You should choose  Ask  to bid the same price as the last sellers of altcoin it, this place to sell fast you can drop a little bit for easy sale. (ie the opposite of the time you bought)
After placing a sell order, press the  blue Sell button  , so your order will be posted in the ASKScolumn  , when there are buyers, Bittrex will notify you. There will be cases where your sell order is pushed down  (because there are many of your cheaper sellers) , you can now delete the current request and create a new request with a new price to sell faster.
After successful sale, your Bitcoin wallet will update balance.
Next we will transfer this Bitcoin number to Remitano for sale VND.

Guide to Bitcoin transfer from Bittrex to Remitano

Here I will guide you to convert Bitcoin to Remitano to sell for VND. Also note that you will not move all but retain a little so that in the next step will buy another one Altcoin co. This is how you can apply as a return on investment.
To transfer BTC you need to get Bitcoin address on Remitano  (Go to BTC -> Load and copy your wallet address).
Enter Bittrex, go to  Wallet -> hit minus "-"  in the Bitcoin line.
New window appears, paste the address of BTC Remitano in the Address box  , enter BTC number to move to  Quantity  (here I enter 0.144 - keep a bit to buy other copper slices)
When withdrawing BTC, you will lose a small fee. Click  Withdrawal

After about 10-15 minutes, the BTC will be on the Remitano wallet, you will also notice the withdrawal in the WITHDRAWAL HISTORY on Bittrex.

Guide to sell Bitcoin on Remitano get VND

Ok so BTC got your wallet on Remitano, now you sell this Bitcoin to VND.
At the Remitano home page, drag down below the buyer area. Choose the top buyer, with an instant trader logo.
Enter BTC in the  "BTC Number" box. Remitano will automatically convert to USD and VND exchange rate at current time.
Press the BTC SELL button  .

Fill in your Vietcombank account  (on Remitano you should use Vietcombank to get the fastest money)
Immediately after the sale Bitcoin is complete, you will also see the balance in the dong is updated.

How to withdraw VND on Remitano wallet on Vietcombank account

Now to withdraw VND to your bank account, click  "Withdraw"
Next you need to select the account number, if not then click create new account offline.

Enter the amount you want to withdraw, then click  "Confirm"
Last checked, confirm the other
Immediately the withdrawal order is processed and you will receive the money back to your account.

Here you can see I withdraw about 15 million, ie 1 million profit after 2 days (initially 14 million). But actually there are still a few Bitcoins on Bittrex (about 1 million).
In short, after 2 days by using VND to buy Bitcoin invest in Altcoin (here is Dash) I have 2 million profit)
Now use the remaining BTC to buy OmiseGO copper to wait for further price increases.
The chart above you can see copper OmiseGO (MOG) posted price increase why not buy some copper to that ???
Repeat the process of buying Altcoin on Bittrex.
Once done, you will see the balance (3.4 coin) in your OmiseGo wallet as shown below.
Now leave it there and if after a while it increases, then sell offline. The other Altcoin coin you can completely do the same.


So with this article I showed you a process as well as a case study on investing in Altcoin co.
The process is still a process that is: Use VND to buy Bitcoin on Remitano then move to Bittrex and use that BTC to buy the potential Altcoins. Wait for it to rise and sell to get Bitcoin and switch back to Remitano for VND.
Operations and processes are so, but for a successful investment you need to keep in mind:
  • It is important to study the potential Altcoins that are likely to increase
  • Should be long-term storage to maximize profits
  • Set a profit target  (for example, you set a profit target of 20% of the total investment, so there may be some profit, but there is a profit, but ultimately achieve profit goals)
  • Use the idle money and divide the investment into different Altcoin coin to limit the risk  (do not focus on a single copper).
  • Any transaction on the floor has a small fee, so need to calculate carefully. Avoid the status of profit just a little increase, you sell immediately, after the completion of the translation, except the fees, the interest is not much.  (Long-term investment)

Guide to Remitano account registration and authentication for Bitcoin

Hello! In this article I will guide you how to register a Remitano account and conduct account validation with your personal information to be able to start selling / selling Bitcoin at this exchange.

What is Remitano?

When you want to buy or sell Bitcoin, you need to join a trading platform, and Remitano is the largest trading platform in Vietnam today. Here you can register an account, then you can use VND to buy the corresponding Bitcoin amount from the seller.
Or you can sell your bicoin at Remitano for VND. All transactions on Remitano are fully automatic and through bank transfer through Vietcombank.

Remitano account registration guide

Registering an account at Remitano is relatively straightforward BUT as this is a Bictoin trading platform, you need to validate your account to qualify for the transaction to proceed.
Right below I will guide you step by step to do it

Step 1: Prepare registration documents and authentication

In order to register and successfully validate your account at Remitano you need to prepare:
  • Your personal email address (most commonly used address)
  • Photo ID card (preferably two sides) - This is called the main identity document
  • Photograph (driver's license or passport) - This is called a secondary identification document
  • Vietcombank account (with internet banking function - not a visa card) to transfer money when buying Bitcoin or receiving money when selling Bitcoin.

Step 2: Register Remitano account

First, at the Remitano Home Page : Here  you select  "Sign In / Sign Up"

Next enter your email address and click  "Continue"

Soon afterwards Remitano will announce that you have sent an email with your registration link as below!

Now open your mail, will see the email as below. Click the  "Sign me in Remitano" button.

You will immediately be redirected to the page asking for your alias, entering your name or nickmane  (comma-delimited).
Click  "Continue"

Ok so you have successfully registered a Remitano account then!
But right now you need to perform authentication and turn on Authy security function!

Step 3: How to authenticate your Remitano account

Now in the login page of the Remitano account you need to select the menu  "Settings"

Then in the section  "Security Authy"  you click  "Enable"

Soon you will be provided with a QR code and an authentication key as shown below.

  • For QR codes,  you need to use your phone and download the Google Authenticator app  (download it on AppStore or Goolge Play).
  • Once you've downloaded and installed the Google Authenticator app, you need to use QR code scanning to scan the code above. From now on every Google Authenticator application transaction will generate a sequence of 6 numbers for authentication (every 30 seconds, 6 digits will change 1 time).
  • Once you've scanned your QR code with the Google Authenticator app, you'll get the authentication code to enter the  "Authy authentication code" box  (see above).
  • For the key authentication,  you can record and save somewhere to prevent the latter lost phone or accidentally deleted the application can be used to recover nhé. (Remember to keep this information confidential, do not let anyone know you)
Finally press the button  "Authy Security"
Authy Security Notice has been "ON" as shown below!

Now you continue to select "Profile" to conduct information authentication.
1. In the  "Name" field  enter your  name under the identity card nhé!

2. Phone number authentication
Scroll down, select  "Add phone number"

A popup appears. You choose Vietnam, then enter your phone number  (remember to remove the first 0)
Click  "Continue"

Immediately you will receive a message, including 4 numbers of authentication. Enter these 4 numbers and click  "Validate".

3. Validate account status
  • As mentioned at the beginning of the article because transactions at Remitano are transactions and money in VND to buy, sell Bitcoin so the system requires authentication of personal information very strict. Pictures must be clear, not over the correct ....

  • You need to prepare 4 images as follows:  (Note the images below you have blurred personal information, when you use the photo, you need to capture clear)

    • Two-sided identity card (This is the main identification document)

  • Driver license photo, passport (This is a secondary identifier)
  • Prepare a paper with the words  "Remitano Verification" , then put your ID card on top and take a picture like below.

  • Hold your ID card in your hand and "happy" a picture like below  (look slightly but confirm procedures that  😉  )
Ok, when you have all 4 photos as above on  "Profile" . Click on  "Upload Document"

The first is to upload the identity card first.

Once uploaded, Remitano will ask you to enter your ID and ID number

Next, upload the driver or passport image (secondary identification document)

Next is to download the photo ID card "Remitano Verification".

Finally, download the photo "happy" with the ID card is complete.
The authentication process takes about 1-3 minutes.

Then if you receive the message as below, your account has been successfully authenticated. If they are wrong, they will also be notified to you.

Authenticity will turn so bland.

In "Profile" click "Update profile" to complete offline. You can now buy Bicoin on Remitano.