What you should know before getting your own website

So you want to get your own website? Do you know what you should take into account before agreeing to have your website created by the experts? You will be tempted by the many offers that website developers have. It is all too easy to get overwhelmed by the stuff of things to do and to put into your website that you may forget to look at the prerequisites. So what should you look into before letting the website masters do their work? Here they are:


Fees. There is an expected amount of money that you will pay when you have your website created and designed. Usually, the package is meant for a year or so with specifications like web hosting and other services tied up with getting a domain name or website. However, there are also fees that you should know, like transfer fees. Transfer fees are fees that you pay when you opted to transfer your domain. Some website designers will charge you 2 to 3 percent more than your registration fees. So make sure that you ask about all the fees, including hidden ones. (Image at text: Fees)

Pay what you consume

Pay only for the year that you consume. When you are about to pay for registering your domain, make sure you check the expiration of the website or domain that you are buying. There are tools over the Internet that you can use to check it. You can readily Google the term “how to determine expiration of a domain or website” and you’ll get numerous helpful results. On the other hand, the webmaster should show what you paid for. If you paid for one year, then it should reflect that it is registered as such. If you paid 5 years, then it should show, too. (Image at text: Pay what you consume)

Keep record private and locked

Keep your records private. Be careful with your domain or website purchase. Make sure that you learn from the experts how to hide or modify your records so that database hackers do not get a hold of your personal data. If you don’t, soon you will receive a lot of spam emails. Make sure that when you do buy a domain, it is you who own the domain and not them representing you. (Image at text: Keep record private and locked)

Keep it locked. After purchasing your domain and have it designed accordingly by the web designers, make sure that you also have it locked. This ensures that your domain is not transferred and you don’t get any surprises of another person claiming your website.

Get your domain auth code

Get the domain or website authorization code. Some websites or domain requires an authorization code, especially when they get transferred. In essence, you should also have it so that you can readily transfer it, should you want to sell the website or domain in later years. (Image at text: Get your domain auth code)

One of the best ways to avoid any problems is to take time in reading the Terms and Conditions before you purchase a website. Ensure that you read everything, even the fine print so you won’t miss anything. Ask as many questions as you can. List down questions that you have and clarify it with the domain registrar before sealing the deal.

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