To encode an image file(eg. png, jpg, gif) we will need the apache commons-codec library.To avoid it in a maven project:<dependency> <groupId>commons-codec</groupId> <artifactId>commons-codec</artifactId> <version>1.11</version></dependency>Encode a file:public...
Navigating in Guard in Angular5
There are some cases when we need to navigate in a Guard rather than in component. Why? Well, obviously you didn't have to define a component where you need to navigate. An example use case would be a route where you need to navigate given a certain role.A sample route:{ path: 'bride', canLoad: [AuthGuard],...
Multi-layout in Angular5
How to implement a multi-layout feature in Angular5. A common use case for this is when you have a different layout for your public and secured pages. For example, your secured page could have a menu on the left side. Or you have a page that doesn't require a layout.Let's provide some examples. Let's...
Monero Is For...
Follow @cryptoizzy (If you want to skip my intro, just scroll down to sections: Monero is for Porn, Monero is for Pot and Monero is for Guns) Monero is the Esperanto word for money, and I’ve reached the conclusion that money is precisely what Monero is. In previous articles, I’ve referred to money...